In my backyard… (nobody bites)

Networking / Social realities / Damage and risk reduction

This documentary aims to show the importance of community networking when addressing social realities such as the sale and consumption of intravenous drugs in neighborhoods and public spaces. The experiences and opinions of several social actors involved in this case in a neighborhood (Sant Josep Obrer) of Reus (Catalonia, Spain) and the action of a drug users’ association (ARSU) from the perspective of reducing damage in this scenario, shows that the participation of drug users themselves is essential to ensure coexistence and promote health and attitudes of respect in the community. In my backyard also wants to be a tool to promote formative and non-conflicting strategies to implement drug addiction care services, which need the consensus of the different actors and agents involved in the same field. Drug users are not the problem, they are part of the solution.

Script: Antoniu Llort
Translation: Marcus Packard
Music: Fetitxe 13
Filming and Editing: Christophe Sion
A production of Hokusai Films

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