Green Witch Project

Women / Risk and harm reduction / Cannabis

GREEN WITCH PROJECT aims to help meet the need to analyse, study and make visible the use of cannabis by different groups of women from a broad harm and risk reduction perspective. The aim is to promote the regulation of its therapeutic potential applied to problems that may be generated by the use of other types of substance. This is why we propose to give visibility to and publish the experience of women consumers, activists and professionals from different fields.

It is important to respond to this need because cannabis use – in its various forms – and particularly by women’s groups, has different characteristics. It ranges from self-care in domestic environments and informal networks to self-medication to treat physical and psychological ailments and illnesses, as well as recreational and experimental use linked to strategies to reduce consumption of other more harmful substances, such as alcohol, cocaine or heroin.

It’s important to think about how to regulate and control product quality, and how to develop sustainable products with local crops.

We need a more inclusive space that takes all these realities into account and excludes no-one.

Problems linked to hepatitis C, cirrhosis… This forces the person to give up alcohol. And once again, cannabis is here to help.

In the specific case of women and drugs there is a very big gap, namely the enormous bias that exists in science, which is practically entirely carried out by white men, in fact even animal studies are carried out with male animals.

“Cannabis as a therapeutic strategy and reduction of harm and risks linked to the use of other substances, through the voice of women”

Screenplay and Direction: Tre Borràs – Antoniu Llort – Christophe Sion
Filming and editing: Christophe Sion
Illustrations: Adela Blasi
Translation: Marcus Packard i Antoniu Llort
Music: Lucky & Bastard
A production of Hokusai Films

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